Poštovane kolegice i kolege,
u ime Izvršnog odbora Udruge kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa Split, pozivam vas na predavanje koje će održati prof. dr. sc. Žarko Olujić (FAIChE) u četvrtak, 16. svibnja 2024. godine (13.15 sati, amfiteatar A02):
Conceptual design and rating of crude edible oil stripping columns
Removal of impurities, consisting of free fatty acids and other valuable components as well as contaminants from crude edible oils occurs on largest industrial scale by stripping using hot steam under deep vacuum conditions in single bed packed columns equipped with structured packings. Operating pressure at the top of the column is so small that due to a rather small pressure drop operating conditions and consequently both hydraulic and mass transfer performance may differ strongly at the top and the bottom of the bed. In order to arrive at an optimized design a multi variable iterative procedure is employed, reliability and accuracy of the predictive model for the pressure drop being the key to success in this respect.
At such exotic operating conditions, a viscous gas characterized by an extremely low density ascends under quasy-laminar flow conditions through a sparsely irrigated packed bed at a rather high effective velocity. Assuming a vertical sinusoidal flow path and frictional losses as prevailing source of flow resistance, well known theoretically derived expression for laminar flow in pipes has been modified accordingly and an effective, theoretically founded expression obtained for estimation of the pressure drop.
The overall predictive model is arranged as a simultaneous algorithm with two iteration variables: the pressure drop and the packed bed height. The latter is estimated utilizing proven HTU-NTU approach for a dilute mass transfer process with dominating resistance on the liquid side. Basic features of this model will be illustrated and demonstrated using an industrial base case.
Prof. Olujić istaknuti je znanstvenik koji je svoj radni vijek od 1969. do sredine 1978. proveo na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu, nakon čega prelazi na TU Delft u Nizozemskoj (Mechanical Engineering Department, Laboratory for process equipment) gdje u svojstvu sveučilišnog profesora ostaje do umirovljenja. Autor je preko 250 znanstvenih radova objavljenih u znanstvenim časopisima i zbornicima skupova, 6 poglavlja u knjigama i enciklopedijama, koautor je dvije knjige iz polja kemijskog inženjerstva te je nositelj čak 11 patenata. Nadam se da ćete se odazvati ovom pozivu te Vas molim da informacije o ovom predavanju proslijedite kolegama koje bi ono moglo zanimati.
doc. dr. sc. Antonija Čelan
predsjednica Udruge kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa Split